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English versionIt

Spanish versionEs
Indice delle schede di Inglese
Words found:
INFINITIVE Present to test-drive = collaudare
I test-drive =Io collaudo... INDICATIVE Present 1 pers. sing.
test-drive =collauda... IMPERATIVE Present 2 pers. sing.
(Details below)
- Full conjugation of test-drive
I test-drive
You test-drive
He/She/It test-drives
We test-drive
You test-drive
They test-drive
Io collaudo
Tu collaudi
Egli/Ella/Esso collauda
Noi collaudiamo
Voi collaudate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudano
let me test-drive
let him test-drive
let us test-drive
let them test-drive
Io -
Tu collauda
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudi
Noi collaudiamo
Voi collaudate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudino
Conjugation of: test-drive , test-drived , test-drived
transitivo - attiva
I test-drive
You test-drive
He/She/It test-drives
We test-drive
You test-drive
They test-drive
Io collaudo
Tu collaudi
Egli/Ella/Esso collauda
Noi collaudiamo
Voi collaudate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudano
I was test-driving
You were test-driving
He/She/It was test-driving
We were test-driving
You were test-driving
They were test-driving
Io collaudavo
Tu collaudavi
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudava
Noi collaudavamo
Voi collaudavate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudavano
I test-drived
You test-drived
He/She/It test-drived
We test-drived
You test-drived
They test-drived
Io collaudai
Tu collaudasti
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudò
Noi collaudammo
Voi collaudaste
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudarono
I have test-drived
You have test-drived
He/She/It has test-drived
We have test-drived
You have test-drived
They have test-drived
Io ho collaudato
Tu hai collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso ha collaudato
Noi abbiamo collaudato
Voi avete collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro hanno collaudato
I had test-drived
You had test-drived
He/She/It had test-drived
We had test-drived
You had test-drived
They had test-drived
Io avevo collaudato
Tu avevi collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso aveva collaudato
Noi avevamo collaudato
Voi avevate collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro avevano collaudato
I had test-drived
You had test-drived
He/She/It had test-drived
We had test-drived
You had test-drived
They had test-drived
Io ebbi collaudato
Tu avesti collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso ebbe collaudato
Noi avemmo collaudato
Voi aveste collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro ebbero collaudato
I will test-drive
You will test-drive
He/She/It will test-drive
We will test-drive
You will test-drive
They will test-drive
Io collauderò
Tu collauderai
Egli/Ella/Esso collauderà
Noi collauderemo
Voi collauderete
Essi/Esse/Loro collauderanno
Future perfect
I will have test-drived
You will have test-drived
He/She/It will have test-drived
We will have test-drived
You will have test-drived
They will have test-drived
Io avrò collaudato
Tu avrai collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso avrà collaudato
Noi avremo collaudato
Voi avrete collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro avranno collaudato
I (that )may test-drive
You (that )may test-drive
He/She/It (that )may test-drive
We (that )may test-drive
You (that )may test-drive
They (that )may test-drive
Io collaudi
Tu collaudi
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudi
Noi collaudiamo
Voi collaudiate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudino
I (that )might test-drive
You (that )might test-drive
He/She/It (that )might test-drive
We (that )might test-drive
You (that )might test-drive
They (that )might test-drive
Io collaudassi
Tu collaudassi
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudasse
Noi collaudassimo
Voi collaudaste
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudassero
I (whether) test-drived
You (whether) test-drived
He/She/It (whether) test-drived
We (whether) test-drived
You (whether) test-drived
They (whether) test-drived
Io abbia collaudato
Tu abbia collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso abbia collaudato
Noi abbiamo collaudato
Voi abbiate collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro abbiano collaudato
I (whether) had test-drived
You (whether) had test-drived
He/She/It (whether) had test-drived
We (whether) had test-drived
You (whether) had test-drived
They (whether) had test-drived
Io avessi collaudato
Tu avessi collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso avesse collaudato
Noi avessimo collaudato
Voi aveste collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro avessero collaudato
I would test-drive
You would test-drive
He/She/It would test-drive
We would test-drive
You would test-drive
They would test-drive
Io collauderei
Tu collauderesti
Egli/Ella/Esso collauderebbe
Noi collauderemmo
Voi collaudereste
Essi/Esse/Loro collauderebbero
I would have test-drived
You would have test-drived
He/She/It would have test-drived
We would have test-drived
You would have test-drived
They would have test-drived
Io avrei collaudato
Tu avresti collaudato
Egli/Ella/Esso avrebbe collaudato
Noi avremmo collaudato
Voi avreste collaudato
Essi/Esse/Loro avrebbero collaudato
let me test-drive
let him test-drive
let us test-drive
let them test-drive
Io -
Tu collauda
Egli/Ella/Esso collaudi
Noi collaudiamo
Voi collaudate
Essi/Esse/Loro collaudino
collaudato collaudati...
to test-drive
have test-drived
avere collaudato
having test-drived
avendo collaudato
Conjugation of: to be test-drived , was test-drived , test-drived
transitivo - passiva
I am test-drived
You are test-drived
He/She/It is test-drived
We are test-drived
You are test-drived
They are test-drived
Io sono collaudato sono collaudata...
Tu sei collaudato sei collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso è collaudato è collaudata...
Noi siamo collaudati siamo collaudate...
Voi siete collaudati siete collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sono collaudati sono collaudate...
I was being test-drived
You were being test-drived
He/She/It was being test-drived
We were being test-drived
You were being test-drived
They were being test-drived
Io ero collaudato ero collaudata...
Tu eri collaudato eri collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso era collaudato era collaudata...
Noi eravamo collaudati eravamo collaudate...
Voi eravate collaudati eravate collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro erano collaudati erano collaudate...
I was test-drived
You were test-drived
He/She/It was test-drived
We were test-drived
You were test-drived
They were test-drived
Io fui collaudato fui collaudata...
Tu fosti collaudato fosti collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fu collaudato fu collaudata...
Noi fummo collaudati fummo collaudate...
Voi foste collaudati foste collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro furono collaudati furono collaudate...
I have been test-drived
You have been test-drived
He/She/It has been test-drived
We have been test-drived
You have been test-drived
They have been test-drived
Io sono stato collaudato sono stata collaudata...
Tu sei stato collaudato sei stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso è stato collaudato è stata collaudata...
Noi siamo stati collaudati siamo state collaudate...
Voi siete stati collaudati siete state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sono stati collaudati sono state collaudate...
I had been test-drived
You had been test-drived
He/She/It had been test-drived
We had been test-drived
You had been test-drived
They had been test-drived
Io ero stato collaudato ero stata collaudata...
Tu eri stato collaudato eri stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso era stato collaudato era stata collaudata...
Noi eravamo stati collaudati eravamo state collaudate...
Voi eravate stati collaudati eravate state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro erano stati collaudati erano state collaudate...
I had been test-drived
You had been test-drived
He/She/It had been test-drived
We had been test-drived
You had been test-drived
They had been test-drived
Io fui stato collaudato fui stata collaudata...
Tu fosti stato collaudato fosti stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fu stato collaudato fu stata collaudata...
Noi fummo stati collaudati fummo state collaudate...
Voi foste stati collaudati foste state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro furono stati collaudati furono state collaudate...
I will be test-drived
You will be test-drived
He/She/It will be test-drived
We will be test-drived
You will be test-drived
They will be test-drived
Io sarò collaudato sarò collaudata...
Tu sarai collaudato sarai collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarà collaudato sarà collaudata...
Noi saremo collaudati saremo collaudate...
Voi sarete collaudati sarete collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro saranno collaudati saranno collaudate...
Future perfect
I will have been test-drived
You will have been test-drived
He/She/It will have been test-drived
We will have been test-drived
You will have been test-drived
They will have been test-drived
Io sarò stato collaudato sarò stata collaudata...
Tu sarai stato collaudato sarai stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarà stato collaudato sarà stata collaudata...
Noi saremo stati collaudati saremo state collaudate...
Voi sarete stati collaudati sarete state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro saranno stati collaudati saranno state collaudate...
I (that )may be test-drived
You (that )may be test-drived
He/She/It (that )may be test-drived
We (that )may be test-drived
You (that )may be test-drived
They (that )may be test-drived
Io sia collaudato sia collaudata...
Tu sia collaudato sia collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sia collaudato sia collaudata...
Noi siamo collaudati siamo collaudate...
Voi siate collaudati siate collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro siano collaudati siano collaudate...
I (that )might be test-drived
You (that )might be test-drived
He/She/It (that )might be test-drived
We (that )might be test-drived
You (that )might be test-drived
They (that )might be test-drived
Io fossi collaudato fossi collaudata...
Tu fossi collaudato fossi collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fosse collaudato fosse collaudata...
Noi fossimo collaudati fossimo collaudate...
Voi foste collaudati foste collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro fossero collaudati fossero collaudate...
I (whether) was test-drived
You (whether) were test-drived
He/She/It (whether) was test-drived
We (whether) were test-drived
You (whether) were test-drived
They (whether) were test-drived
Io sia stato collaudato sia stata collaudata...
Tu sia stato collaudato sia stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sia stato collaudato sia stata collaudata...
Noi siamo stati collaudati siamo state collaudate...
Voi siate stati collaudati siate state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro siano stati collaudati siano state collaudate...
You have test-drived
He/She/It has test-drived
We have test-drived
You have test-drived
They have test-drived
Io fossi stato collaudato fossi stata collaudata...
Tu fossi stato collaudato fossi stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso fosse stato collaudato fosse stata collaudata...
Noi fossimo stati collaudati fossimo state collaudate...
Voi foste stati collaudati foste state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro fossero stati collaudati fossero state collaudate...
I would be test-drive
You would be test-drive
He/She/It would be test-drive
We would be test-drive
You would be test-drive
They would be test-drive
Io sarei collaudato sarei collaudata...
Tu saresti collaudato saresti collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarebbe collaudato sarebbe collaudata...
Noi saremmo collaudati saremmo collaudate...
Voi sareste collaudati sareste collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sarebbero collaudati sarebbero collaudate...
I would have been test-drived
You would have been test-drived
He/She/It would have been test-drived
We would have been test-drived
You would have been test-drived
They would have been test-drived
Io sarei stato collaudato sarei stata collaudata...
Tu saresti stato collaudato saresti stata collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso sarebbe stato collaudato sarebbe stata collaudata...
Noi saremmo stati collaudati saremmo state collaudate...
Voi sareste stati collaudati sareste state collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro sarebbero stati collaudati sarebbero state collaudate...
being test-drived
having been test-drived
have been test-drived
have been test-drived
has been test-drived
Io sarai collaudato sarai collaudata...
Tu sarà collaudato sarà collaudata...
Egli/Ella/Esso saremo collaudati saremo collaudate...
Noi sarete collaudati sarete collaudate...
Voi saranno collaudati saranno collaudate...
Essi/Esse/Loro essendo collaudato essendo collaudata...
being test-drived
sono stato collaudato sono stata collaudata...
collaudato collaudati, collaudata, collaudate...
to to be test-drived
essere collaudato essere collaudata...
have been test-drived
essere stato collaudato essere stata collaudata...
being test-drived
essendo collaudato essendo collaudata...
having been test-drived
essendo stato collaudato essendo stata collaudata...
I test-drive
You test-drive
He/She/It test-drives
We test-drive
You test-drive
They test-drive
let me test-drive
let him test-drive
let us test-drive
let them test-drive
I test-drive
You test-drive
He/She/It test-drives
We test-drive
You test-drive
They test-drive
let me test-drive
let him test-drive
let us test-drive
let them test-drive

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